Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Michael Beasley In Rehab

Michael Beasley said that an offseason stay on a rehab facility was his “lowest hour,” denying he has an abuse problem and apologized to the Miami Heat organization. He would not reveal any particular details about the treatment he had received in Houston other than becoming “pretty upset” after realizing that he would be staying longer than expected, which in turn fueled a wave of disconcerting messages on his now-closed twitter account.
“Being locked down for as long as I was gave me a chance to really get back in touch with myself. I think over this past year, I’ve got caught up in the NBA life, as most of us do. I think this gave me the opportunity to just sit down and evaluate my life and get the good separated from the bad.” During a 17 minute interview with a few reporters he was asked if he has a substance abuse problem to which he replied no. He also does not expect to face further sanctions from the NBA, though he did acknowledge that he does expect that another violation would end up in suspension.
Beasley said he was able to spend 60 to 90 minutes a day working out at the rehab facility. The Heat shuttled many of their staff members to Houston to work with Beasley daily, including head coach Erik Spoelstra, who personally saw the second-year forward three times during his stay. Beasley commented that “During this worst hour, in my lowest hour, to know that my team and organization backed me up 100 percent, it gives me comfort, it gave me confidence in myself that I might have a lost and that might not have bee there first. It’s just making me feel a whole lot better as a player and a person.”

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