Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fight Against Meth Abuse

Law Enforcement officials, professionals in drug prevention and treatment, and many others have been working has to eliminate Meth from peoples lives. And it's working - Meth use has declined among young adults since 2002.

There is still much work to be done, however. In areas across the country where Meth use and production continue, this leaves a path of destruction that rips apart communities and families, endangers children, and overburdens police forces

Left untreated, drug addictions costs communities millions of dollars and places untold burdens on families. But treatment for addiction, including Meth, works. Not only does it work, but it's a no-nonsense way to fight the disease of addiction and break the cycle of drug abuse and crime often associated with Meth.

For every $1 invested in drug treatment programs, there's a $12 savings in crime and health care costs.

People can - and do- recover from Meth addiction.

Find out about substance abuse treatment, and support Meth treatment in your community.

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