Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jail Time for City Councilwoman

Former Boulder City councilwoman, Karla Burton, had a less than bright day when she showed up to her DUI hearing intoxicated. This hearing was supposed to be the beginning of a year long process in which she could have avoided imprisonment. Instead the judge, Nancy Oesterle, ordered Burton to 25 days of jail time starting immediately after she had taken a breathalyzer and blew 0.115. She is to return to court the 27th of October.

Burton pled guilty September 16th to driving under the influence and was given a first offender break of going through the DUI Specialty Court rather than receiving a harsher punishment. Tuesday was her first appearance in the Specialty Court. Along with the initial jail time, Oesterle gave Burton a six month suspended sentence. If she does not complete the year-long DUI program, she will have to serve the entire six month sentence. Burton’s case has already been delayed five times since her arrest in February of ’07 at a gas station in Boulder City. Her Blood-alcohol content was .0274 at the time, which is over three times the legal amount.

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