Wednesday, June 23, 2010

18 Killed in Mexican Rehab

Drug rehabs in Mexico have been targeted by Mexican Cartel's and Gangs. September 3rd a Rehab in Ciudad Juarez was attacked by a gang which resulted in 18 patients lined up and shot dead. This was the third recent attack on a rehab in Ciudad Juarez. Authorities are investigating centers that have potentially turned into hideouts for drug smugglers who are being sought after by Police or rival gangs. Several of the rehab centers have also been transformed into recruitment and training facilities for the cartels. It's been claimed by recent drug recruiter and smuggler Raphael Cedeno, that over 9,000 individuals have been recruited for the cartel since 2008. Cedeno claimed that the centers were retreats to train member and if addicts didn't cooperate they were executed.
Ciudad Juarez is the most dangerous city in Mexico which is within eye-sight of the U.S. Border. More than 1,300 people were killed this year alone. The blood-shed has continued despite the build-up of troops since March. The city is home to the Juarez Cartel, which is fighting rival gangs for routes into the U.S.
In June, 5 men were killed in an attack at another rehabilitation canter, while 50 patients scrambled over a back fence.
In August, gunmen barged into a pastor's sermon at a rehabilitation center and opened fire, killing 8 people.

Authorities don't know if the attacks were related. Many of these rehabilitation centers are left without guards or regulated. In response to these attacks, U.S. rehabilitation centers on the border, in El Paso TX, have been strengthened as a precautionary method.

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