Friday, June 25, 2010

Cops Raid U.S. Justice Associates

Last Tuesday Las Vegas Metro Police raided the office of a counseling company that regularly does business at the courthouse. They were looking for evidence that the company was involved in an alleged extortion scheme that took place on the Strip. The raid took place at the United States Justice Associates, which is run by Steven Brox, who has been charged on six counts originating from sexual assault on one of his relatives, a fifteen-year-old girl.

The counseling company offers programs for alcohol and drug abuse, anger management, AIDS awareness, and petty larceny to those who have been charged with misdemeanors. Majority of this business is directly referred through the Court system in an effort to sway individuals from returning back to the courts and help indentify their problems.
The United States Justice Associates had another scheme going on under the radar of the Courts. They allegedly pitched a program to local casinos to avoid a run-in with the police and justice system. The plan was to go like this: When security at these clubs and casinos detain people on petty charges such as trespassing, they were to be routed to the United States Justice Associates’ program rather than having the police make the arrests. Once enrolled in the program, the detainee’s would be charged $500 and then the Company would kick back $100 to the casinos for each person enrolled into the program. The detainee’s were showed a video that stated was “very threatening” and said the detainee’s would land in jail if they comply with the program.
According to a chief of security, Brox approached him with an endorsed letter from a District Judge that “carried weight with it”, but the chief did not remember the judges’ name.
Broxs’ attorney stated that “nothing illegal has taken place. This program is run by high-ranking police officials, who thought this program was a good idea.” He also stated that a “number of Casinos” also agreed with it. Deputy Chief McCurdy claims of no ranking officers have ever signed off on it.

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