Monday, November 30, 2015

Naloxone, One Dose Does Not Fit All Overdose Situations

Noloxone should not be treated like the Heimlich maneuver, but for overdoses.
Did you know that you should not perform the Heimlich maneuver on someone who can still breath, or is conscious? I know in movies, you see the Heimlich maneuver performed when they see first sign of choking, but this is incorrect like everything Hollywood shows you.
According to, you should first ask, "Are you choking? Can you speak?" DO NOT perform first aid if the person is coughing forcefully and is able to speak. A strong cough can often dislodge the object. If you administer the Heimlich maneuver to a coughing and speaking person, you could move the obstruction so it completely blocks the air way and they become unconscious. Then you will have to perform CPR. But like the Heimlich maneuver, Naloxone, like any drug - should not be given indiscriminately.
Despite what people are saying, Naloxone is not a wonder drug, but has to be given under the correct circumstances. In the wrong situations it could lead to more deaths if untrained people administer this drug for any overdose. Police officers are not Emergency Medical Personnel, but now they are asked to administer Naloxone because they tend to be the first responders. Other people on the scene, now have the added responsibility of saving the life of an overdose victim - if Naloxone is available and they resist calling 911 through fear of the criminal justice system.