Thursday, March 17, 2016

Do Family Members Of The Addicted Need Support?

Do Family Members Of The Addicted Need Support?: Do Family Members Of The Addicted Need Support | We provide residential treatment and detox for drug and alcohol addiction. Let Solutions Recovery help today: 702-228-8520

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Why Do Some Addicts Need To Manipulate And Lie To Survive?

Most people can survive with things from the store. When shopping at WalMart, you don't really need great manipulation or lying skills to get what you want. The police are not blocking your entry or stopping you from buying products.
This is not the case for drug addicts. For an addict's very survival, they need a steady supply of illegal substances, which they just can't get from any discount outlet.
They also need access to cash, and if savings or employment has dried up, then they will have to manipulate people for money.
Addicts have to be cunning, creative and possess good manipulation skills to survive.
It takes about 10,000 hours to be an expert in many fields. But it seems addicts are experts at getting money for illegal drugs. They need to know exactly what to say to friends or family to get money for drugs. No, they are not going to state that the funds are for drugs - but will make up scenarios where money will be necessary. Physiological manipulation is a necessary survival skill if they want to get money from people.
They have to be creative
After exhausting previous attempts, addicts have to come up with more creative and new manipulations. The tried and true "money for rent" will only go so far, afterwards, they will have to come up with other convincing scenarios, such as money for their daughter's pre-school lunch - who can say no to that? They really have to sell the manipulation while appealing to your sympathy - if not for them, but for someone else, even for their "poor and starving" dogs.
Give rehab, not money
Don't give addicts money, instead get them to rehab. Without intervention, their addiction will drain everyone financially. Eventually their manipulations will put a wedge between any relationships. It may be hard, but to protect yourself and them, get them professional help - not funds, no matter the guilt trips. Remember, addicts are experts at manipulation, with thousands of hours of manipulating under their belts.
If you or anyone else needs help with addiction, please call Solutions Recovery at 702-854-2404 or use our online form.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Rethink Your Image Of The Inner City Heroin User

Heroin was the stigmatized street drug, used only by the very desperate. If you took heroin, then you were thought of as a low life. More than likely a dangerous criminal who stole TVs in the inner city to support your habit.
This image, true or false was what people thought.
As opposed to weed, in which we think of a giggling college student in a smokey basement with junk food. Or a hippie at Woodstock. The point is the heroin user evokes more fear than the weed user. Heroin users are the undesirable in our society.
Times are changing. The heroin user is getting a new image makeover!
Why did society have to rethink or re-imagine the heroin user?
According to the National Safety Council, everyday, 52 people die from opioid pain medications. Adults have been prescribed opioids by doctors and subsequently become addicted or moved from pills to heroin. The prescription pill epidemic is the cause of heroin's new image makeover. From desperate inner city addict - to a person in suburbia who accidentally got hooked to prescription pills by their doctor - and was forced to use heroin to stop withdrawal symptoms, when their prescriptions ran out.
Criminal user vs. victim user
But why should someone who gets hooked on heroin (no matter the cause) be treated differently? They shouldn't, but we live in reality, not a university classroom. The fact of the matter is - we are not going to fill our jail cells with desirable members of society. Once off heroin, this demographic can still resume their "proper place" in society. 
The stigmatized inner city heroin user is undesired, the suburban victim heroin user, on the other hand gets a pass - hopefully to drug rehab.
Heroin rethink in action
Heroin rethink is now - suburban middle class with health care, they are victims of the prescription pill epidemic, and had to use heroin out of necessity! This was the only way this demographic can be justified as to NOT fill up jail cells, unlike other people - from the inner city who got addicted to heroin. 
This blog is to not shame the suburban heroin user and take away their social privileges to goto rehab, (in this case) as opposed to jail - but to point out this double standard exists. And to just be aware of it, that is all. And to think, that drug addiction preconceptions and who is considered a criminal is not always what it seems.
If you or anyone else needs help with addiction, please call Solutions Recovery at 702-854-2404 or use our online form.

I Don't Believe in a God, The 12 Steps Won't Work on Me, But I Need Help!

I Don't Believe in a God, The 12 Steps Won't Work on Me, But I Need Help!: I Don't Believe in a God, The 12 Steps Won't Work on Me, But I Need Help! | We provide residential treatment and detox for drug and alcohol addiction. Let Solutions Recovery help today: 702-228-8520

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jamie Foxx Saves Alleged Drunk Driver From Burning Crash

Jamie Foxx Saves Alleged Drunk Driver From Burning Crash: Jamie Foxx Saves Alleged Drunk Driver From Crash | We provide residential treatment and detox for drug and alcohol addiction. Let Solutions Recovery help today: 702-228-8520

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Are Double Digit Drug Inflation Rates Creating More Heroin Addicts?

Are Double Digit Drug Inflation Rates Creating More Heroin Addicts?: Are Double Digit Drug Inflation Rates Creating More Heroin Addicts | We provide residential treatment and detox for drug and alcohol addiction. Let Solutions Recovery help today: 702-228-8520

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Crack Cocaine Strikes Back 2015

Between 1984 through the early 1990 there was a crack epidemic across the United States. Because there was so much cocaine coming into the US, the prices were low. To combat lower prices, the dealers decided to turn the powder into a solid form, then sell it to more people at a lower price.
As a result, additional lower income people were introduced to crack cocaine. In 2015, the drugs making headlines are Heroin and Prescription Drugs. Where does crack stand in this changing landscape?
Is Crack poised to make a comeback? Will Crack Strike Back?

In the 80's and early 90's CRACK was the drug to beat. But now Heroin and Prescription Drugs have taken over. Is CRACK ready for a comeback?!